Just a little about...

Sunday, January 26, 2014


i watched a video a little while ago...it told the terribly sad story of a husband and father who lost his wife and unborn son when they were hit in a head-on collision and ultimately showed the unbelievable ways in which God worked within him and the man who hit them.  while the entire story was one of great impact, what stood out the most to me...what ultimately brought tears to my eyes...was the way he (the husband) spoke about how on the night of the accident, he sat down and asked God to help him...to give him some direction to help him make sense of what had happened and he was reminded of a sermon he had heard in the past that expressed that to us our lives are simply moments...little three by five snapshots....and how we have to remember to look at the bigger picture - especially when faced with difficult, painful experiences.  he went on to say that God is always painting on a much bigger canvas, that His plan is constantly unfolding and consists of much more than we are capable of seeing most of the time.

as i heard these words i felt my chest expand a little more...like i was holding my breath, just waiting to hear those very words.

life is so much more than we are able to see, able to feel, able to comprehend at any given moment.  this is not late-breaking news by any means, yet it is something i think we can all stand to be reminded of from time to time.  i know i'm guilty of getting wrapped up in my own junk and in those instances am incapable of seeing everything else unfolding around me.  sometimes we are nailed with things so painful we can't see through the tunnel of darkness - we've all been there and i refuse to discredit those experiences in any way - but, i think it's vital to remember just how much bigger the world is...especially in those moments.

i think i've said before that while i have lots of gray area when it comes to my beliefs, i do believe strongly in God...in His grace and His mercy and His unfailing presence...if we allow it.  i've heard Him, i've felt Him and i've seen Him work through those He surrounds me with when i need it...need Him...most.  i know i am blessed by the people i have in my life and i'm certain they are in my life for a reason, because He put them there.  i've been carried when i wasn't strong enough to take another step forward...i've been encouraged when everything in my life fell apart...i've found ways to make peace with situations that make no sense...and i've learned that if i look to Him - often via the people He surrounds me with - i find strength and understanding when i'm certain i have none.

moments.  three by five snapshots.  they flash before us and then pass us by before we can even blink.  some take us by surprise, some knock us to our knees, some fill us with more love than we can imagine, some propel us forward and some cause us to question everything we think we know...embrace each of them, but don't let any one of them define you.  try to look beyond them and see what else might lie around you, beyond the immediateness you feel engulfed by.  i truly believe it's in the bigger picture we find the absolute beauty, the purity of why we're here and where all the real answers lie.  

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