Just a little about...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


what does it take to be completely honest with ourselves?  it's one thing to be honest with others, with people we trust, with complete strangers...with the world.  but, from my perspective anyway, more difficult to be completely honest with ourselves.  we sugarcoat actions, justifying choices (ours and those of the people around us) to make us feel better about a situation, a person, an event.  why?  to protect us, to protect them?  from whom? are we afraid of what we'll discover in our honesty?  i think that's the answer...fear of what we'll find, fear of seeing things as they really are rather than how we want to see them.

it's easier to see things as we want to see them.  we can hide from the ugliness of life, ignoring the reality of where we really stand, allowing us to blindly enjoy something or someone just a little bit longer while putting off the inevitable.  i'm not brave.  i hate confrontation, hate making uncomfortable decisions and changes.  but, sometimes i find myself overwhelmed with anxiety when thinking about situations in my life...anxiety that i'm fairly certain i could eliminate if i allowed myself to be completely honest and stopped seeing things as i want to see them, stopped putting off making the tough decisions and do something about them.

what's that old saying?  something about how you can't expect different results if you keep doing the same things?  i realize this applies to all sorts of things, but for those of us who aren't so good (insert the word "hate") with change, it's easier (less painful, or so we think) to just let things stay the same rather than face the issue head-on and do something about it.

i'm not sure what the answer is...nor do i think it's as simple as just making the decision to make a change; any change. rather, i think maybe it takes looking at your life for what it is and comparing it with what you want it to be. time is short, each moment precious. don't waste the words or thoughts God puts on your heart. be completely honest with others, but more importantly with yourself and see where that leads you...

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