Just a little about...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

change...aka "faith got a new job"...

change.  it's a dirty word to me.  i don't do it, or at least avoid it at all cost as much as possible in every aspect of my life.  mostly because even the best change causes at least a smidge of discomfort and i tend to fall into the group (like the majority of us i've discovered) of people who prefer to leave things as they are rather than experience anything that resembles disarray or chaos (two of the primary side-effects of change).  we like our water placid, our sailing smooth, our boat unrocked...but what of that? 

this week marks the beginning of a very big change for me...friday is my last day at the chamber...the job i've had the longest, the job that has given me the most professional growth, the job that has opened doors and given me opportunities i never imagined seven years ago when i answered an ad for a part-time communications coordinator.  morgan was little...i was still married...my life was pretty simple...at least compared to what it would become.  i was barely an adult, still innocently unaware of what harsh realities i would face in my years there.  the chamber, the people in it - many of which have become very good friends...all my source of stability in some very unstable moments.  i grew up in that building, discovered my strengths and my weaknesses...and found my voice again.  i walked through things i never dreamed of...felt emotions i wasn't sure i could handle, and was often carried by those very people who were only "members" when i started there.  these past seven years have given me so much.  i've been blessed with a boss who is way more than that; she is a friend...someone i know will always be a very important part of my life.  i've built relationships with incredible people; and i know it's because of those relationships that i am being given this next opportunity.  this time next week i will be preparing for my first day at liberty hospital in what i'm certain was a role written perfectly for me.  i will be their new community relations specialist and i couldn't be more excited!  i get to stay in the community i love and do all the things i'm best at, while learning and experiencing new things.  it's the very best situation i could have imagined and i am beyond thankful.  i knew early on that God was leading me through this door...that He had laid this path for me.  rarely do i feel that way, and it was pretty cool. 

so, i will spend the next five days wrapping up my current job and on friday celebrate with some of these people i've grown to love.  "will your office be empty by then?" was what my co-worker asked the other day..."yes...yes, i suppose it will be..." was my only response.  this change is a good one...but, even good ones come with mixed emotions.  i am a bit afraid, yet all the good far out-weighs any of that.  i know i will cry...likely more than once or twice.  and then i will walk out that door for the last time as "the chamber girl" and walk forward into my new role; taking with me so much more than i could ever find the words to put on here...mostly because often there are no words big enough to describe some things.  but, thankful...blessed...so very blessed...those are the two words that i leave with.

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