Just a little about...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

entwined in life...

i love knowing that every moment is consequential, that every conversation has the possibility to hold meaning - even if i may not know it at the time.  i love looking back and seeing how something i thought nothing of at the time affected me profoundly.  mostly, i love that we are all entwined in life...that, while sometimes scary if we really think about the true impact of it, we are all connected - our lives are not just ours, our choices don't just impact us, we aren't alone, and if we are truly honest...most of the time our paths look similar if we look just beneath the surface.

the truth is, none of us is special...no one exempt from emotion, safe from pain or resistent to pleasure.  we each have thresholds for sure, walls built brick by brick from each disappointment, each loss...but, we each also have huge capacities to love - sometimes more than we even realize.  we choose to allow ourselves to feel, to experience, to love...choose to let our guard down, to let others in.  sometimes that's the hardest part because it means we are letting go of something that maybe we are hiding behind out of fear or protection.  it's easier to hold back, easier to withold love because we know that once we open ourselves up to it we are also opening ourselves up to the possibility of getting hurt.  and, this applies to every relationship...not just the obvious intimate ones...but in families, friendships, and even with our children.

i woke up early today...thankful for many things, but especially for the people in my life.  my gran taught me to treasure those i hold dear, to remind them of their value, and to never take them for granted.  she gave me the gift of absolute love and acceptance, never expecting anything in return and always making sure anyone in her life knew right where they stood with her.

i think sometimes we don't even realize the immense impact we have on others...that words we say with very simple intent may leave a lasting imprint on whoever they are spoken to.  a few days ago i got this text:  "sometimes i just want to give you a hug to remind you that you're not alone"...simple words, spoken of a simple gesture that said absolutely everything i needed to hear from him in that moment.  the lasting impact of that moment will be felt for a long time.

so, yes, i love knowing that each moment is consequential...that it has the potential to be something amazing...that through those moments our lives are wrapped around each other and because of that, we are never truly alone.  

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