Just a little about...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

peacemaker...fear taker...soul soother...heart toucher...

life is short.  there are many things that go unsaid, unheard.  hurts that never heal.  hearts that never mend.  hopes that seem to always fall short.  dreams unattained...or worse, unimagined.  we sell ourselves short.  let others determine our worth, our value, and make decisions based on our perception of their view of us.  life is painful, yet beautiful.  we are surrounded by simple things, simple joys, simple pleasures...yet, often we choose to complicate things causing us to miss the very things that just might bring us the most amount of peace.  our minds are full, our schedules even more so.  go here, do this, rush, rush, rush.  we lose track of time, of people, of ourselves. 

tonight i am thankful for many simple things...putting up a christmas tree with an absolutely amazing seven year old who still finds magic in the most basic things, a cozy corner in my bedroom that i can't wait to curl up and read in, a cup of hot tea in a cup i love, apples with nutella and peanut butter, the idea of leggings, a cardigan, and a scarf; new pictures hung in my dining room, a table and chairs that couldn't be more perfect for us, watching that same seven year old be so excited about her new stationary that she just had to write a note to her best friend and mail it tonight, a brother-in-law who brought us a tree and helped me with stuff i'm just not strong enough to do alone, this little apartment that has become our home, the very fact that i can fill it with pretty girly things and simply enjoy them because they're mine, strategically placed items that each are full of meaning to me, amazing friends who have helped me in more ways than they could ever know...and the ability to take it all in...to just...be, in this moment.

we hurt ourselves...we hurt others...we step away from what we know to be real, to be true.  sometimes things happen with no reason, no justification, no explanation...we are left shaking our head, grasping for answers, praying for truth and understanding.  tonight my heart is heavy for a family i don't even know, for a man i met once but whose impact on many was unmistakable.

"Peace Maker" by Greg Ferguson
Peacemaker, Fear Taker, Soul Soother, Storm Smoother
Light Shiner, Lost Finder, Cloud Lifter, Deliverer,
Heart Toucher, Truth Lover,
Who other could be Fear Taker, Peacemaker to me,

Mind Clearer, Sigh Healer, Hand Holder, Consolor,
Wound Binder, Tear Dryer, Strength Giver, Provider,
Heart Healer, Kind Father,
Who other could be, My Savior, Peacemaker to me,

Let Your Peace Rule in my heart,
Let Your kindness fill my thoughts,
Let Your strength secure my soul,
Let Your peace take hold in me,
Let Your Wisdom guide my will,
Your compassion fill this place,
Let my anxious thoughts be still,
Let Your peace rule in my Heart

simple words full of so much comfort...sung at my nephew's funeral five years ago, this song was etched on my heart.  i've pulled it up from time to time since then...in moments when i needed...something, yet didn't know exactly what.  and these very words somehow were it.  peacemaker...fear taker...soul soother...heart toucher...just words...simple, simple words wrapped around those left after lives are cut too short.  my prayer for so many in my life at this moment...

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